The Run Rx Blog
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Boston Marathon Tips and Tricks: A Physical Therapist’s Guide to Raceday
Get ready for the Boston Marathon with our expert tips on race-day logistics, pacing strategies, injury prevention, and post-race recovery. Whether you're preparing for your first marathon or aiming for a personal best, our Boston Marathon Prep Guide has everything you need to succeed. Plus, explore our Race Training Package for personalized support throughout your training!
The Run Rx’s Top Boston Running Routes
Boston is a running city! And our staff of runner’s put together their top routes from Southie to Somerville and the Fells and from flat tempo runs to tough hill workouts!
Diagnosing and Running with Autoimmune Disease
1 in 15 Americans is living with an autoimmune disease
These conditions come in many forms, some of which can seriously affect the musculoskeletal system. This overlap can make it tricky to distinguish between an autoimmune disease and a running injury, leading to misdiagnoses that can last for years.
Paris 2024 Track & Field Olympic Preview
Our Run Rx Team breaks down a preview of the US track and field team
A Complete Guide to Bone Stress Injury in Runners
Bone Stress Injury: The Running Injury of our Nightmares. We’re here to lay out the signs and symptoms for common stress fracture sites, diagnosis and management of bone stress injuries.
1 Year Postpartum Recovery, Running and Training
A running mom and physical therapist’s perspective and lessons at the 1 year postpartum mark. A timeline and takeaways for returning to running and training.
2023 Run Rx & Pilates Rx Holiday Gift Guide
The holidays are here and The Run Rx & The Pilates Rx have teamed up to create our Holiday Gift Guide for all things health, wellness and small local shopping around Boston. Take a peak to find the perfect gift from us and some of our favorite local places to shop this holiday season!
Super Shoe Influence on Running Injuries
How these super shoes both improve performance but also cause increased injury risk.
How a Gait Analysis Helps Runners
How a gait analysis can help injured runners. 3 real running injury cases that cutting edge technology and running form analysis helped get to the bottom of.
My Postpartum Return to Run Blog
I’m a Physical Therapist and strength coach who specializes in treating and training runner’s, detailed gait analysis and pre and postnatal exercise. I’m sharing my postpartum return to run story.
How to Add Speed Work into a Running Routine
How to safely add speed work into your training plan for healthy running and performance
Member Spotlight: Strength Training with a New Runner
When Erika first started with us, she was a brand new runner doing some home strength workouts with lighter dumbbells or bodyweight. Her goal was to be able to run healthy, stay generally strong and deal with some of the mild lingering issues she was dealing with from having her 2 baby girls.
A Runner’s Favorite Books, Podcasts and More
We are taking a little break from our usual clinical material to summarize our favorite books, podcasts and social accounts in running culture! Get ready to nerd out—Running style!
Case Study Peroneal Tendon Injury Rehab
Leslie was dealing with significant peroneal tenidonpathy and partial tearing on her R ankle for over a year before coming to The Run Rx.
Running Injury Spotlight: Hamstrings
Hamstring strain and tendinopathy is common in runner and often a complicated and long rehab process. Here are our most important tips and some insight on what could be causing your hamstring pain
A Runner’s Pregnancy Blog
Sharing my own story as a physical therapist and running specialist with running and training during pregnancy.
Running and Race Training Plan Basics
Master every type of run you need to be a better runner and run your next PR
Achilles Tendinopathy and Calf Loading for Runners
Achilles tendonitis/tendinopathy is one of the most common issues we see with our runners. Our tendons facilitate movement by transferring forces generated by muscles to the skeleton. They deform under load to store and return strain energy, making them critical during locomotion. The Achilles is the largest, strongest, and thickest tendon in the body, and experiences 5-7x your body weight per step during running.
Training Power and Plyometrics for Runners
Why power makes for the fastest runners and how to incorporate power and plyometric training into your strength training