The Run Rx Blog
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Member Spotlight: Strength Training with a New Runner
When Erika first started with us, she was a brand new runner doing some home strength workouts with lighter dumbbells or bodyweight. Her goal was to be able to run healthy, stay generally strong and deal with some of the mild lingering issues she was dealing with from having her 2 baby girls.
Training Power and Plyometrics for Runners
Why power makes for the fastest runners and how to incorporate power and plyometric training into your strength training
Tips for the Healthy Masters Runner
You’re not too old! Running WON’T cause arthritis, you CAN run on a joint replacement and lots of tips to running healthy for a lifetime
The Runner’s Hip: Importance of Glute Medius
While the glute max may be the workhorse, the glute med is what allows it to create force by creating a stable foundation. It's the unsung hero of the hips.
The Hardware & Software of Running
How your body needs control or “software” and capacity or “hardware” so support healthy running. The differences and how to apply them
Foot Strength to Prevent Running Injuries
How strengthening your feet as a runner can reduce your risk of injuries and exercises from a running physical therapist
My Pitch for Runners to Strength Train
How strength training prevents running injuries and the most important strength exercises for runners