The Run Rx Blog


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Gabby Callagy Gabby Callagy

How a Gait Analysis Helps Runners

How a gait analysis can help injured runners. 3 real running injury cases that cutting edge technology and running form analysis helped get to the bottom of.

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Gabby Callagy Gabby Callagy

Member Spotlight: Strength Training with a New Runner

When Erika first started with us, she was a brand new runner doing some home strength workouts with lighter dumbbells or bodyweight. Her goal was to be able to run healthy, stay generally strong and deal with some of the mild lingering issues she was dealing with from having her 2 baby girls.

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Maggie Mullins Maggie Mullins

Achilles Tendinopathy and Calf Loading for Runners

Achilles tendonitis/tendinopathy is one of the most common issues we see with our runners. Our tendons facilitate movement by transferring forces generated by muscles to the skeleton. They deform under load to store and return strain energy, making them critical during locomotion. The Achilles is the largest, strongest, and thickest tendon in the body, and experiences 5-7x your body weight per step during running.

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Running, Physical Therapy, Fitness Gabby Callagy Running, Physical Therapy, Fitness Gabby Callagy

Post Marathon Training and Base Building

The major marathon season is behind us and you're probably already thinking about the next one. The post-race aches and pains have worn off and you're already eager to jump back into training. Whether you PR'd and are looking to build on recent success, or didn't quite finish how you wanted and looking to your next shot, this "off-season" provides an important opportunity for growth as a runner.

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